Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy For Federal Financial Aid Recipients

联邦法规规定,网赌平台必须在获得证书或副学士学位方面取得“令人满意的学业进步”,才能获得联邦财政援助. 所有联邦财政援助计划的接受者,包括联邦佩尔和SEOG补助金, 联邦直接贷款和联邦勤工俭学基金在更新财政援助资格时受这些标准的约束.  To comply with this regulation, KCKCC has established the following standards of satisfactory academic progress.

满意的学业进展评估是基于审查所有KCKCC和在审查时出现在网赌平台官方成绩单上的学分转移. 进度将在网赌平台获得联邦财政援助的每个入学期(秋季,春季和夏季)结束时进行审查. 满意的学术进步的最低标准是使用以下标准进行评估:

Grade Point Average (GPA): 2.0 minimum

Students must maintain a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA based on the total number of credit hours attempted. KCKCC and transfer hours are considered.

Percentage of Completion: 66% minimum

网赌平台必须成功完成KCKCC网赌平台成绩单上列出的所有学分的66%. A, B, C, D, P, CR的成绩将被视为成功完成课程. Remedial coursework will also be included in the hours counted as attempted.

Courses in which students receive a grade of “F”, “I”, “W”, “WA” or “MP” will be counted as hours attempted, but not completed.  在这些成绩中,“F”是唯一计算累积GPA的成绩. 如果在一年内没有完成课程作业,成绩将由“I”改为“F”。.

Credit Hour Limit: 97 Attempted Hours Maximum

已经尝试超过97学时(包括KCKCC和转学学时)的网赌平台将没有资格获得联邦财政援助.  这包括所有入学期间,无论是否申请或接受联邦援助. Students reaching this maximum attempted credit hour total will not be given a “warning” semester to continue to receive federal financial aid.

Financial Aid Warning

完成学时百分比和/或累积平均成绩不足的网赌平台将在下一个入学期间自动被置于经济援助警告中.  在下一个入学期间,网赌平台可以在警告期内继续获得经济资助.  No appeal or other action is required.  在警告学期结束时,网赌平台的学业进展将再次被审查.  At that time, one of the following actions will occur: 

  1. If standards have been met, the student will be reinstated back to satisfactory academic progress standing.
  2. 如果网赌平台尚未达到最低进步标准,但在注册期间完成了至少66%的尝试学时,成绩为“C”或以上, the “warning” status will continue for the next enrollment period.
  3. 如果上述两个条件都不满足,网赌平台将被排除在经济援助之外.

Financial Aid Exclusion

Students on exclusion may not receive any additional federal aid (Pell Grant, FSEOG, Federal Work-Study or Federal Direct Loans) to attend KCKCC. Continuation of coursework at KCKCC will be at the expense of the student.  All federal aid awarded to the student will be cancelled. 在以下情况发生之前,被排除在经济援助之外的网赌平台将被拒绝获得联邦经济援助: 

  1. 网赌平台在转学学分后达到学业成绩满意的最低标准. 网赌平台必须与网赌平台经济援助办公室联系,书面要求在转学学分发布后审查学业进展.
  2. The student completes all attempted hours (minimum of 6 hours), which the student pays for and earns a grade of  “C” or better, with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0. 网赌平台应与网赌平台经济援助办公室联系,书面要求审查学业进展.
  3. The student files an appeal and the appeal is approved. 上诉被批准的网赌平台将被置于经济援助试用状态.

Exclusion Appeal Process

网赌平台可以通过填写并提交书面上诉表格向KCKCC网赌平台资助办公室提出上诉.  The appeal form is available at the KCKCC Student Financial Aid Office, 莱文沃斯先锋职业中心或技术教育中心,可以在MyDotte上找到.  上诉表格必须与适当的文件一起提交,并包括对影响网赌平台学习成绩的异常情况的解释. Additionally, 上诉过程要求网赌平台与学术顾问预约,起草一份学位计划,并与上诉表格一起提交. 

上诉必须在上诉表格上的截止日期之前提交给网赌平台经济援助办公室.  Appeals are reviewed by the KCKCC Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Committee.  If the appeal is approved, the student’s financial aid status will be changed to a “probation” status. 处于“试用期”的网赌平台可以在下一个入学期间获得联邦网赌平台资助.  KCKCC学业进步满意上诉委员会的决定为最终决定.   如果上诉被拒绝,网赌平台将没有资格获得联邦财政援助.                                   

Financial Aid Probation

在“经济援助试用期”期间,网赌平台必须遵守KCKCC令人满意的学术进步上诉委员会规定的特定条款和条件,作为批准上诉的条件. Federal aid may be received during this semester.

At the conclusion of a “probation” semester, 网赌平台必须以“C”或更高的成绩完成所有注册学分,或满足网赌平台学术计划的要求,才能有资格获得进一步的联邦财政援助. 符合这些标准的网赌平台将被置于“财政援助警告”状态,并继续有资格获得联邦财政援助.

在“试用”学期未达到标准的网赌平台将不再有资格获得KCKCC的联邦经济援助. An appeal will not be considered.


If students have questions regarding financial aid, please contact the Student Financial Aid Office at:

7250 State Avenue
Kansas City, KS  66112